State your cause and join together, using your signature as a tool. The following petition sites offer a variety of methods to create change. Some promote specific causes, others offer platforms for starting petitions and include features to easily share with both friends and legislators. Get in touch with a growing community that make things happen.

Use Credo to send letters to your legislators.
Takepart is a news source for articles and actions along with a pledge page.
Causes petitions for specified issues such as veterans' rights, protection of animals, environmental protection and disaster relief.
The White House offers a petition page to stay in touch with your government.
The Sierra Club promotes environmental issues, protecting habitats and moving beyond coal, oil, and natural gas. addresses energy use, climate change, and the issue of the Keystone Pipeline.
Use Change to search for regional issues that are local and close to home.
Signon is part of Moveon, a resource with an existing and growing community.
Care2 a network providing petition categories from human rights to accountability, education to politics.
CenterForFoodSafety alerts specifically on the issues concerning our food system.
Facebook Causes is a place to start petitions, find support, organize fundraisers and gather pledges to solve tough issues.
Ipetitions enables you to create a powerful online petition in just three clicks and a few minutes.
Petitions24 is another free platform to easily see most popular, recent, and just signed causes.
GoPetition a network with countries and themes along with petition samples, examples and templates.
- Has it been done before? Look into existing petitions for your cause.
- Is your petition local, national or international? Verify that a cause for petition and petitioner falls under your local government’s jurisdiction, or county, state, and country.
- Who is the target person or organization, that makes a decision to enact the change?
- Who is your audience and how are you going to reach them? In person, email, or social media?
- Learn how many people must sign the petition for it to be valid. Name, address, and phone number? Review the privacy clause so you can inform and assure the signee.
- Describe the situation. Outline what you wish to change with a declarative paragraph.Be brief and stay on point.
- Why should we care about this cause? Who does it affect?
- What is needed to help solve or end this cause? Request a concise and logical call to action - or refrain.
- Set a goal. How many signatures do you need and in what amount of time?
- Collect names in person, calls, text, email, and social media