The science and practice of farming. This includes cultivating the soil for growing crops, and rearing animals to provide food, wool, medicinals, biofuel, and other products used to sustain and enhance human life.
Living organisms that feed on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous systems able to respond to stimuli. The wild kingdom includes birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, mollusks, arthropods, annelids, sponges, and jellyfish. It is important to remember that humans are also animals (mammals).
Legal entities that have been incorporated either directly through legislation or through a registration process established by law. Incorporated entities have legal rights and liabilities that are distinct from their employees and shareholders, and may conduct business as either a profit-seeking business or not-for-profit business.
The creation and generation of original ideas, jokes, artistic or literary works, paintings, or musical compositions, solutions, inventions, etc. The ideas and concepts conceived manifest themselves in any number of ways, often becoming something we can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste.
A study of the measure of material prosperity relative to the behavior of individuals, households, organizations, and regions. It is concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth to produce and obtain capital.
The transfer of knowledge, skills, and habits through teaching, training, storytelling, and debating.
A fundamental entity of nature that is never created or destroyed, rather constantly changing form. It is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change, and produces usable power such as heat and electricity.
The interaction of the biophysics of all living and nonliving things on Earth. It influences the survival, development, and evolution of all animals.
Any substance consumed to provide nutritional support. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential elements such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. An organism’s cells assimilate nutrients from food in an effort to produce energy, maintain life, and stimulate growth.
A system by which a state or community is organized and regulated. The term can refer to an administration that includes executive, legislative, and arbitrative branches.
The level of function or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the general condition of a person’s mind and body, relative to illness, injury, or pain.
Moral principles that set certain standards to behavior, which are protected legally at both the national and international level. They are commonly understood as fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled.
Freedom of information and the internet, a global system of interconnected networks, consisting of millions of private, public, and communal databases.
An organization authorized by its greater society to use lethal force (usually including the use of weapons) in defending its group by combating actual or perceived threats
The practice and theory of influencing people at the civic and individual level. More narrowly; the achievement and exercising of positions of governance or other forms of institutional power or capital.
The search for, and reverence of, the sacred and extraordinary. Theories regarding the mysteries of the universe and the relationship between natural and supernatural aspects of reality.
Institutions, projects, and programs enabling people to lead fulfilling lives and actively contribute to their communities. Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, equity, and fairness. Social Justice is the ability of individuals and collectives to realize their potential within the contexts of their respective societies.
The creation and application of tools, machines, techniques, and systems, in order to solve problems, improve upon solutions, achieve goals, handle applied input/output relations, or perform specific functions. Technologies specifically affect organisms’ ability to control, manipulate, and adapt to their environments.
A technical and political process concerned with the use of land and design of the urban environment; including housing and transportation networks, to guide and insure the orderly development of settlements and communities
is a term used for unwanted materials. The term is often subjective (because waste to one person is not necessarily waste to another) and sometimes objectively inaccurate (for example, to send scrap metals to a landfill is to inaccurately classify them as waste, because they are recyclable).
Slideshow of Demandment artworks by Lee Tracy
- Pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides
- Seed ownership
- Natural Habitats
- Crop rotation and diversity
- Topsoil Erosion
- Endangered Pollinators
- GMOs
- Preservatives
- Nutrition deficits
- Food deserts
- Nutritional Labels
- The FDA
- Waste
- Seafood
- Diabetes
- Affordable health care
- Mental Illness
- Eating Disorders
- Pharmaceuticals
- Labor Practices and Working Conditions
- Gender Binary
- Healthcare for Veterans
- Intolerance
- Discrimination
- Cults
- Separation of Church and State
- Hate Crimes and Bullying
- Violence on TV
- School closures
- Charter vs. Public Schools
- Dress codes
- Standardized Testing
- High tuitions and student loans
- Censorship
- Banned books
- Altered History
- Privatized information
- Internet Surveillance
- Fresh drinking water
- Aquifers
- Rivers
- Dams
- Dumping and Runoff
- Plastic pollution
- Overfishing
- Coral bleaching
- Melting ice
- Warming waters
- Hormone and antibiotic use in farming
- Factory farming
- Puppy mills
- Dog fighting
- Stray domesticated animals
- Hunting for sport, trophy hunting and poaching
- Extinction rates
- Capitalism
- Regulation and Deregulation
- Glass ceilings
- Corporate personhood
- Insider trading
- Outsourcing
- Revolving door
- Consumerism
- Credit Debt
- Economic Inequality
- Poverty
- Advertising
- Unlimited Growth
- Living wage
Questions to ponder: What is a living wage? Is there a limit to resources on the planet? Is unlimited growth feasible? What is planned obsolescence? Why are we taxed on income and items? What are the dangers of a wide gap between the wealthy and the poor?
- Peak oil
- Fracking
- Nuclear Radiation
- Oil spills
- Tar sands
- Climate change
- National War Budget
- Martial law
- Gender and sexuality orientation (as a military issue specifically)
- US Imperialism
- Drone strikes
- Preemptive war
- Carbon footprint
- Trash
- Plastic
- Wastewater treatment
Art by Lee Tracy